Saturday, April 18, 2009

My Project-02, All Terrain Intelligent Robotic System


Embodiment design :

The ATIRS team

Project Description

The field of robotics and control is both interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary as robots are amazingly complex system comprising mechanical, electrical and electronics hardware and software systems and issues germane to all these. This Particular aspect made me choose the field of Robotics as Project work.

Project aims at designing and fabricating a Mobile Robot which is,
- Cost Effective
- Multifunctional
- Intelligent
- All Terrain
- with Articulated Four Axial Manipulator
- Highly Efficient and Powerful
- Electrically driven Robot.

This machine would be able to extract information from its environment and use knowledge about its world to move safely in a meaningful and purposive manner. It shouldoperate on its own without a human directly controlling it. The proposed robot- A.T.I.R.S should use different kinds of sensors to view their environment and have actuators to perform actions in that environment. The A.T.I.R.S should be designed in such a way that it can be applied in the field of Defence (war field), Space Exploration, Disaster Management, Material Handling and also for Domestic purposes.

Features Incorporated in A.T.I.R.S
- Wheel and Hexapod Leg mechanism for travelling through various terrains
- Lead screw arrangements to make the wheel drive to work as independent robot
- Powerful end arm with high speed chopper to remove the obstacles
- Quick response self powered gripper with geared motor (gear ratio 485:1)
- Double link manipulator for material handling
- LED pallet for relay positions
- Infrared sensors for obstacle detection
- End limit sensors to avoid motion damages
- L.D.R. Sensors to actuate the Illuminators
- High Range Metal detectors to avoid land mines
- High Resolution camera with oscillating actuator for improved view angle
- 27Mhz 4 channel radio frequency controller for wheel drive
- Wi-Fi systems for remote assistance and data exchange
- PIC to interface the computer with the relays
- Central Processing through Laptop or Palmtop
- Rechargeable Tubeless batteries with a backup of 4 hours in full load.

Several techniques from the field of Artificial intelligence, such as reinforcement learning, neural networks and genetic algorithms, can be implemented in order to improve its performance.


- Won the Best Project award.

- Secured First place among the project works done in the college

- Approved by Tamil Nadu Government and got Project Grant